Dallas Texas, the home of J.R. Ewing, the famous site of JFK assasination is also home to Mike Crum and 4DWN skatepark. I caught up with Mike and talked about Texas legends Jeff Phillips, Craig Johnson and John Gibson, working with Thrasher to create Death Match, skating vert and what’s to come for the Clown Ramp, building a ramp on a barge outside a SF Giants game, and 4Dwn Skatepark and more. Also, dont miss at the end wwe get a special cameo quick interview with the masked skeleton skater, Ribs-Man.
Inside 4DWN after the pod…
Tuck knee with stee…
Remember 38mm wheels???
Bones bearings & Skeleton Key—hook this dude up!
Ribsman kflip front board no prob…
He can flap andrechts with the best of em…
Ribs-man crooks an 11-stair hand rail in 100-degree weather…
Thank you Dallas, I’m out!