Talkin’ Schmit Ep. 53: 2019 Year In Review

I called up my old pal, Tim McKenney and we shot the shit, talking about the ones and giving out some awards. It was one hell of a rollercoaster ride, but we got through yet another year. Big love to all you that support and listen. Happy new years everyone, stay safe out there!

Tim McKenney in the dungeon talkin’ Peace, Love, and Empathy reigning supreme—SHOUT OUT!

Your picture is still on my wall… Amy Caron’s board is still on Tim’s wall…

It was a lot of fun, thanks to all that participated in the first ever Talkin’ Schmit SOTY brackets…

Big love to the homie and winner, Mr. Sammy Baca—Cheers! Let’s keep in rollin in 2020…